I only know rivers
Waters elongated to the unrumpled recitatif
of endless land
The Bow knows
Has tongued and grooved the firmament, baby,
of this Last Best
The Bow knows
Stoney and Sarcee
The Bow knows Blood
The Buffalo spilled beyond its banks
The Bow knows Crowfoot
his Belly
his Old Man
softens his reservations
curses his Mary
The Bow knows
trickles over his chipped away Chippewa,
black and bisected by befuddled namings
by bemused memory
by his own fickle fur trading
With us? With them? Negro? Ojibwe?
Exposed by history? Or submerged below?
No ocean.
No tide.
No salt.
No sea. Too flat. Too far to see.
I only knows rivers, baby,
but what I only knows disturbs in me
What flows through a name, and a name, and a name?
- This poem so lushly tuned for sound. Which passage is your favourite example of its use of alliteration?
- A number of common words, “Bow” included, appear prominently in title-case throughout the poem. What do a lot of them have in common? What sets some apart?
- “The Bow” refers to the Bow River first, but “bow” is a rich homonym. Which of its meanings do you find most interesting to play with in the poem, and why?
- The beauty and multiple meanings of “softens his reservations / curses his Mary” is so halting. How do you interpret the passage?
- The poem is so booming with sound and poetic devices, there’s lots of space to have fun reciting it. But there’s a challenge in those six rhetorical questions. Would you recite them in the same tone? How might you modulate them? Do you imagine a call and response? Play around with the options as you recite the poem, both alone and with friends.
- One way to interpret this poem’s form and direction: “I only know” becomes “I only knows” once the poem has presented what “The Bow knows.” Bouncing off that approach, compose your own two versions of a first-person verb phrase, like Bickersteth’s “I only know(s) rivers,” and have another subject deploy the verb you chose between those two phrases, like “The Bow knows...” Consider adding to the last instance of your first-person phrase, as Bickersteth has with his poem.
Useful Links:
Bertrand Bickersteth, "The Bow" from The response of weeds : poems. Copyright © 2020 by Bertrand Bickersteth. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.
Source: The response of weeds : poems (Bertrand Bickersteth / NeWest Press, 2020)